Hum to Search: How to Find Song by Humming on YouTube & YouTube Music

Users can now search songs in YouTube & YouTube Music by playing, singing, or humming them. Here’s how to use Hum to Search feature-

In Short

  • Google is rolling out its ‘Hum to Search’ feature to YouTube and YouTube Music app. 
  • YouTube and YouTube Music are now allowing users to search for their preferred song simply by humming, whistling, or singing.
  • Users can access ‘Hum to Search’ feature in the search bar.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re eager to find the full song after watching a short video on platforms like YouTube, Instagram or TikTok, but you can’t recall the name of the song and only remember its melody? If yes, here’s some good news: Google is now expanding its “Hum to Search” feature to YouTube and YouTube Music apps. If you’re curious to know what is “Hum to Search” feature, how does it work, and how you can use it, then here’s a step-by-step guide to know about it-

What is YouTube’s ‘Hum to Search’ Feature

Google’s Hum to Search feature is now available in YouTube and YouTube Music app. This feature allows users to find any song by simply humming, singing or recording a short piece of song for at least 5-10 seconds. When user hum or sing, YouTube’s artificial intelligence (AI) technology matches it with the original song and suggest possible matches to the user.

How to use ‘Hum to Search’ Feature on YouTube

Hum to Search feature is currently available on the YouTube, and YouTube Music apps So, don’t try on web version. Here is the step-by-step guide to find a song through YouTube’s Hum to search feature-


1. First open the YouTube application in your smartphone, make sure you have updated to the latest version.
2. Tap the Search icon located on the top right corner of the screen.
3. Then click on Microphone icon next to the search bar.
4. Now a new tab will appear, here tap on the song option to turn on the hum-to-search feature.
5. Now, hum, sing, or play the song that you are looking for at-least 5-10 seconds.
6. Then after analyzing your voice sample YouTube will show you the best possible matches for your song.
7. If you are satisfied with the result, enjoy the song. If not, then you can again hum the song and find the song.

How to use ‘Hum to Search’ Feature on YouTube
How to use ‘Hum to Search’ Feature on YouTube

How to use ‘Hum to Search’ Feature on YouTube Music

Currently this feature is rolled out for a limited number of users on YouTube Music app, and official date of rolling out this feature for everyone is yet unavailable. But the process to use this feature is moreover similar to YouTube app.

Here’s How it works and how you can use it-

1. First open the YouTube Music application in your smartphone, make sure you have updated to the latest version.
2. Tap the Search icon located on the top right corner of the screen.
3. Next to the microphone icon a dedicated Song search option is available, tap on it to turn on the hum-to-search feature.
4. Now a new tab will appear, here hum, sing, or play the song that you are looking for at-least 5-10 seconds.
5. YouTube Music will analyze your voice sample and match it with the original song to show the best possible matches of the song.
6. If you are satisfied with the result, enjoy the song. If not, then you can again hum the song and find the song.

How to use ‘Hum to Search’ Feature on YouTube Music
How to use ‘Hum to Search’ Feature on YouTube Music

Benefits of Hum to search feature

Here are the benefits of this feature-

1. Find songs without Hassle-
This feature eliminates the need to recall song titles or lyrics so, users can effortlessly find songs by humming, singing, or playing a short part of the tune.

2. No more Third-party apps needed-
As the feature is available into YouTube and YouTube Music apps So, now users are no longer require keeping third-party applications like Shazam or Sound Hound for song identification.

Limitations of Hum to search feature

Sometimes YouTube can’t be able to find the song that you are humming or singing because your humming pattern doesn’t match with the original song and YouTube’s AI technology didn’t find any suitable match and show the error “Couldn’t find a match” on the screen. In that case you have to try again to get the exact song.

Couldn't find a match error on YouTube
“Couldn’t find a match” error on YouTube


Even though currently Hum to search feature have some limitations and over the period of time with continued advancements in AI and machine learning this feature will get improved but still this new mind-blowing feature enhanced the user experience and make finding songs easier than ever. So, the next time you find yourself struggling to recall a song, remember all you need to do is hum, and YouTube’s smart technology will take care of the rest.


Q.1 Is the ‘Hum to Search’ feature available on the web version of YouTube and YouTube Music?

Answer– No, currently the ‘Hum to Search’ feature is only available on the YouTube and YouTube Music apps, not available on the web version.

Q.2 Can I use the ‘Hum to Search’ feature offline?

Answer– No, the ‘Hum to Search’ feature requires an active internet connection as it relies on YouTube’s AI technology to analyze the audio sample to provide accurate search results.

Q.3 What if the ‘Hum to Search’ feature doesn’t find a match for my humming or singing?

Answer– If YouTube doesn’t find a match, it displays an error message “Couldn’t find a match”. In such cases, users can try again by humming or singing the song in a clearer manner.

Q.4 Does the ‘Hum to Search’ feature replace other song identification apps like Shazam or Sound Hound?

Answer– As the ‘Hum to Search’ feature integrated into YouTube and YouTube Music apps So, doesn’t need to keep a separate application like Shazam or Sound Hound for the same purpose.

Q.5 Are there any privacy concerns with using the ‘Hum to Search’ feature?

Answer– As YouTube assures users that the audio samples are processed anonymously and not stored for identification purposes. so, there are no need to worry about that.

Q.6 When will the ‘Hum to Search’ feature be available for all users on YouTube Music?

Answer– Currently, the feature is rolled out for a limited number of users on YouTube Music for the testing purpose, and there’s no official date for its full availability. However, it’s expected to be rolled to all users very soon.

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