Threads app: Everything you should know

By- Gadgetblunder

Threads is a text-based platform that enables users to post Text content  along with links, photos, and videos.

What is the Treads app?

On July 6, 2023, Mark Zuckerberg launched his new Meta application known as "Threads," as a direct competitor to Twitter.

When & Why Threads Launched ?

The only way to create a Threads profile is login with your existing Instagram account.

How to sign up on Threads App? 

Users have the option to directly import their profile picture, bio, links, and followers from their Instagram account.

How to setup Threads Profile ?

To create new posts, click on the bottom center button. Here, you can write text, add photos and videos, or insert links, and then share them on your profile.

How to create posts on Threads ?

Users can create Threads using up to 500 text characters, along with photos and videos of up to 5 minutes.

What is the limit to create Threads ?

After creating your profile, you will get option to "follow the same accounts you follow on Instagram." From there, you can choose specific accounts to follow, select "follow all" to follow all of them, or simply skip this step.

How to Follow users on Threads

Users can change their privacy settings options by clicking on the ? symbol located on the top left corner of the profile menu.

How to Change Privacy settings on Threads